
I look at you and look at her
In the stillness of the waters
Your faces either side of the surface
My two perfect daughters

One on this side and one the other
Just slightly out of reach
I hug your sister close to me
As I stand upon the beach

I look into the sea again
And see you laying in my arms
I glance back to your sister’s face
And something strange alarms

I feel for her what I feel for you
And yet I feel confused
I wonder if, in all my grief
My heart’s a little bruised

The water seems all muddy now
The reflection is all blurred
I try to talk to understand
But my voice can not be heard

I need some help to work this out
I know that she’s not you
I know the love I feel for her
Is justified and new

But my love for her is different
Even if I’m unsure how
Maybe that’s enough to calm my mind
Not forever but for now

As the water settles, smooths and stills
And becomes acutely clearer
I see me holding you, as I’m holding her
Just like looking in a mirror
