A cracked soul is no bad thing

I can smile without feeling guilty
I can laugh without feeling shame
I know that I still miss you
Still love you
I hope that you know that too

I don’t know how I got here
I don’t know when things changed
When the guilt that came with happiness
Like you did

I know the truths inside my heart
That, I will never stop loving you
That, you would want me to live
That, if I was gone and you were here
I’d want happiness for you

A cracked soul is hard to live with
It’s painful every day
But the light can now get through
Your light sees everything
It guides me

You show me what I have lost
What I have
And what I have to gain
You are with me now through everything
Filling me with love

A cracked soul is no bad thing
You must endure the pain
To feel the light
That fills you up
And gives you hope again
